Join the LVRT Ambassadors!

Vermont Rail Trails Ambassadors: 2024 Lamoille Valley Rail Trail Pilot

Volunteer LVRT Ambassadors are the friendly people that trail users may meet along the LVRT who are ready to share local insights and hear about users’ experiences on the trail.  They are the “eyes and ears” of the trail.

The role of the Trail Ambassador is to

  • Support the trail user experience
  • Inspire users by sharing information on the trail environment and history
  • Solicit feedback and information from users
  • Be a visible presence on the trail to help ensure user safety
  • Report conditions and issues on the trail to AOT
  • Encourage compliance with trail etiquette and rules

Ambassador Overview

As an LVRT Ambassador, you will provide a presence on the LVRT in a non-enforcement capacity, offering information to trail users, seeking and passing on to the AOT Rail Trail Program Manager any comments from trail users or any trail problems, and actively promoting the trail. You will hand out trail maps and provide information about current and future projects or events on the trail. Essentially, you will be acting as a friendly and knowledgeable representative of the LVRT.

Responsibilities: Ambassadors will agree to

  • Attend a required Ambassador Training Orientation (1-2 hours total in late Spring 2024)
  • Commit four hours each month (July-September 2024) to be present on the trail wearing your Ambassador vest to answer questions and provide information in a pleasant manner
  • Report trail issues to the Rail Trails Program Manager. (Form available at Contact – Vermont Rail Trails.)

Requirements: Ambassadors must

  • Be 18 years or older
  • Be able to be outside for an hour at a time either biking, walking, or standing at your chosen trail location
  • Have a comfortable backpack to hold trail maps, trail information, garbage bags, etc.
  • Optional: Also carry with you a bike repair kit only if you are comfortable and capable
  • Carry a cell phone to report any issues if necessary
  • Be able to communicate via email


Complete the volunteer form and submit it to Volunteer Coordinator Tori Hellwig at

Visit the Vermont Rails Trails webpage to stay up to date.